
The only transform available is "long to wide". This is available with Smap version 19.01+


Specify one or more question names separated by commas

When applying the long to wide transformation the objective is to reduce the number of rows of data. This is done by specifying key questions whose combined value has to be unique

For example if you had a table of data like the following:

a b ...
x y ...
x y ...
x z ...

Then if you enable transform and specify the keys to be questions a and b then the duplicate values for those two columns will be removed and the data will be reduced to:

a b ...
x y ...
x z ...

What happens to the rest of the data?

The data in the non key columns will consist of:

  • The data from the last submission that matches the key. So the older data is not kept
  • New columns for the data that is converted to "wide"

Values Question

This is the name of the question that contains the values that will be converted into new columns.


A comma separated list of values that appear in the values question. New columns will be created for each of these in the transformed output.

Wide Columns

A comma separated list of question names. Multiple new copies of these columns will be created in the output.